Parental Talks 101: Guide for Teens | Conversations Made Easy

Difficult Conversations with Parents 101: A Guide for Young Adults
Are you a young adult struggling to have difficult conversations with your parents? Do you feel like you can’t talk to them about your mental health, your relationships, or your dreams? If so, you’re not alone. Many young adults find it difficult to communicate with their parents about important topics.
Part of growing up is realising you are eligible to have what many may consider tough convos with your parents. In the typical African setting more often than not, parents create a wide gap between them and their children until after marriage or until they deem them responsible enough to have mature convos with.
Difficult conversations with parents are a normal part of growing up. But they can be especially challenging for young adults, who are still learning how to assert themselves and communicate their needs. This guide will provide you with some tips on how to have difficult conversations with your parents, so that you can build a stronger relationship with them.
communication sessions
Credit: Freepik

Ultimately, the bond of all companionship, whether in marriage or friendship, is conversation.

Start by choosing the right time and place. Depending on the urgency of what you want to discuss, you could give them a heads up that you have something you would like to discuss with them and then they would make time and prepare for you. Another realistic approach is to catch them when they are relaxing in the hall/living room, when they are calm and not under any pressure about a different issue.

Be clear about what you want to talk about. Some parents may be intimidating to talk to especially when they are the strict type, however as a growing adult mustering the courage to get your points across clearly and confidently will spark up more respect for you. It is important to go into that convo with a plan, what is the most important thing you want to let them know or advise you about? If you are telling them about someone, like a love interest, be sure to have good answers for questions you are anticipating, and the more nervous you seem to tell them, the less they will think of them, more on this later.
Be respectful, even if you’re angry or upset. It’s important to remember that your parents love you and want what’s best for you. Even when they do not seem to be reasoning with you, it is best to talk to an older relative or family friend who can help you make your case with them rather than being carried by emotions and potentially disrespecting them.
Listen to your parents’ point of view. It’s important to listen to your parents’ point of view, even if you don’t agree with it. This shows that you’re willing to consider their perspective.
Be prepared to compromise. It’s unlikely that you’ll get everything you want in a difficult conversation. Be prepared to compromise with your parents so that you can reach a mutually agreeable solution.

One example of a difficult conversation that young adults often have with their parents is about mental health. If you’re struggling with your mental health, it can be difficult to talk to your parents about it. You may be afraid that they won’t understand or that they’ll judge you. But it’s important to remember that your parents would want to help you. If you’re struggling, talk to them about it. They may be able to connect you with resources that can help you. Keeping your problem to yourself will not make it go away, and on the off chance that your parents are of no help to you, talk to another role model or adult about it.

difficule conversation mental health
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